Posted in 2023, Elevate, NCSC Chronicles, NCSC Projects

Elevating Students: Reaching for the Sky

By Rija Zaki 

How many times have we talked about raising the education system? Ranted about the pressing need to build up the schools and students of the nation to a better level? I’m sure it has come up many times at dinner tables or in friendly conversations, only to be forgotten within seconds afterward and never discussed again until the next gathering when we hash out everything wrong with our country. We do that often – just talk. In stark contrast, NUST Community Service Club (NCSC) is walking away from a realm limited to conversation, taking quickening steps towards elevation. 

Mission and Vision

Instead of leaving education as a topic only to be discussed across a table, thereby continuing our legacy, NCSC took the matter into its own hands. Thus began “Elevate,” where we aim to assist underprivileged and under-resourced schools in every way possible so students attending can receive a quality education in a quality environment. This effort can include but is not limited to constructing new libraries and labs, donating learning material,  addressing institutional needs, and organizing classes, awareness sessions, and activities. “Elevate” has always been more than just providing resources to schools; it is about providing the resources needed most for students and schools to do better. How do we do that? Instead of simply assuming needs ourselves, we make it a point to engage with school administrations, learning about what is genuinely required and what would be most helpful. By fostering social, intellectual, and emotional growth, the ultimate vision is to make quality education a reality for everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. 

Revival: Summer of 2022 

Despite the project coming into existence years ago, somewhere along the way, it got lost amid COVID and other NCSC work until it was finally revived in 2022 under hardworking NCSC members. They set up a computer lab at a school run by the NGO Bardasht and then proceeded to encourage book donation collection over the summer, covering various disciplines and age groups. 

Current Tenure: 2022-23

Book Donation Drive

On 19th November, NCSC volunteers went out to the Bardasht school to donate and organize the collected books according to subject and language in hopes that this mini-library would serve as a stepping stone for children at the school. 

Teach for Pakistan x Project Elevate: a tale of success 

Visits to SMME and S3H

Another event under Elevate was in collaboration with Teach for Pakistan on 6th April. Children from Teach for Pakistan schools toured S3H and SMME, which included visits to the Radio and TV studios in S3H and Robotics and Human Systems Labs in SMME. After the tour, there was a session at SMME Seminar Hall where the children could interact with NUST students, who guided them about higher education, admission processes, different disciplines and careers, and any difficulty they could face or had questions about.

Book Donation Drive

Elevate also conducted a Book Donation Drive with Teach for Pakistan fellows on the 12th and 13th of April for an under-resourced school in Sihala to provide those girls with the necessary learning tools and resources to facilitate their education. A collection booth was set up at the central location of Concordia 1, where many donations were collected. Particular care was taken to ensure that the books donated to the children were appropriate and relevant for primary and middle-school-aged children and in good condition.

Elevate Visits 

However, this was far from it. Under Elevate, NCSC decided to work with and send volunteers to Pheli Kiran schools. The magic of this school system is in its flexibility and mobility, arising from the need to effectively provide education to children from slums, refugee settlements, and nomadic communities: a rare initiative that often doesn’t receive enough support.

Accordingly, Elevate had its very first Pheli Kiran excursion of the year on 4th March. Our artistic volunteers got their hands a little messy as they painted the school walls and brought color to the school. This was followed by sharing the wonders of science, math, and English through interactive sessions.

Another Pheli Kiran visit took place on 18th May. It started with casual conversation and ice-breaking activities, but what truly stole the show were the science experiments that allowed the students to delve into the solar system, sound and sensory experiences, and the travels of light itself!

Glimpses from the Pehli Kiran School Visits

It should come as no surprise that the Elevate visits continued even in the summer due to the dedication of the people of NCSC. For them, there truly was no better way to spend a break than visiting not one but three different colonies for an education awareness campaign.

NCSC Volunteers sharing the joy of Eid ul Adha with students in Basti Muhammad Baksh

This is how on 19th June, they found themselves being welcomed with open arms in Basti Muhammad Baksh, Basti Ali Luck, and Basti Balochan. Constructive discussions and exchanges of ideas occurred on increasing education for girls and its importance. During the school visit, volunteers actively connected with the students, from playgroup to eighth grade, through meaningful and grade-appropriate learning activities in scientific and artistic realms. 

This is where you come in

Undoubtedly, education makes or breaks a community. It helps unlock your true potential, allows you to push yourself to your limits, and equips you with the necessary skills needed to make your mark in the ever-competitive world of today. In the way that drops combine to form rivers, social change is birthed from the smallest actions of individuals that steer the world towards greater prosperity, actions that you too can undertake starting today: 

  1. Teach and tutor those around you. Even if you don’t possess the means to assist someone in gaining formal education, you can also teach skills you’ve learnt through your own life experiences. Remember that whatever can be taught has its value. 
  2. Lobby authorities to implement effective educational policies. 
  3. Raise awareness on educational issues and offer solutions. This can be as simple as sharing information with acquaintances in person or posting impactful content on social media. It can also be as comprehensive as conducting intensive on-ground campaigns in localities with low literacy rates. 
  4. Build and maintain libraries, computer labs and other educational facilities. Naturally, it’s tough to take such steps on your own, but NCSC has got you covered! Donate and volunteer for Project Elevate, which often undertakes such endeavors. 
  5. Prioritize supporting children marginalized along the lines of gender, disability and economic class. Pakistani society often prioritizes the powerful and privileged, leading to identity-based disadvantages for others. You can address this issue by donating to NCSC’s Project Al Qalam, which aims to finance the education of underprivileged children.

These are just a few suggestions for how you could make an impact towards the greater good, but countless other pathways to the same exist. Together, it is more than possible to continue building towards educational quality and equity. Here is to hoping for perpetual elevation!