Posted in 2021, Fempower, NCSC Chronicles, NCSC Projects, The Visionaries

Of Women and Wonders: An Exclusive Interview with Muruna

Writer: Khadija Rehman
Editor: Noor Ul Ain Adeel
Graphics artist: Ahmed Rihan

Minister to the world in a way that can change it. Minister radically in a real, active, practical, get your hands dirty way. 

– Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

For far too long, women have been deprived of their equality of humanity. Such a problem is particularly prevalent in Pakistan, where notions have been internalized to such a degree that challenging them seems tantamount to altering the social fabric. Luckily for us, Muruna is here to remind everyone that this is not how it’s supposed to go. Muruna is a Non-Profit Organization comprising of seven wonderful women from all walks of life, uniting under the singular goal of women empowerment. NCSC invited the organization’s president in a candid one on one session, and we were more than enlightened by what we got to know.

Introduction: What is Muruna?

NCSC’s representative, Anees, conducted the interview with Ms. Faiqa Zafar, the founder and president of Muruna. Faiqa is currently enrolled in NUST in the Psychology program, and her core team comprises of students from all over the university. The origins of the organization came from Faiqa’s spirit for volunteering, and her passion towards inclusivity for women was what led her to initiate her own efforts.  Faiqa and her team work towards acquainting the masses regarding women’s issues through social media and field practice. Her goal is not just the dissemination of this message, but also to equip women so they can sustain themselves autonomously.

On Inclusivity and Activism:

Anees highlights how discourse surrounding women’s issues is considered taboo because of its absence from the mainstream, and general reticence towards voicing the cause. This discouragement was something that Faiqa faced a lot in her life, but her passion was what caused her to rise above it all. She sums it up in an apt statement:

‘Itni kya buri baat hai insaan ko apne haqooq maangne mein?’

Faiqa furthers explains the importance of creating a safe space within the organization itself, to accommodate those who were still a bit reluctant. Showing appreciation for her translation team, she states that this too is activism; everyone in the organization can contribute to the cause on a level they’re comfortable with. The team seeks to reduce language barriers so the message may not get lost in translation. Intersectionality is stressed upon, and posts are thoughtfully crafted to be wholly inclusive.

Striving towards normalization:

To normalize discussion, it was important for Faiqa and her team to start from the grassroots level. One facet of Muruna’s overarching theme also deals with awareness regarding women’s constitutional rights. Faiqa and Anees both agreed that due to an absence of awareness, these laws are not widely recognized, a fact that many predators take advantage of. Ages of consent are neglected, marriage laws go unconsidered, and subjugation runs rampant. For Muruna, it was essential to disseminate a detailed breakdown of women’s laws so women are able to realize that such heinous acts can be contested in the court of law.

Towards a hands-on approach:

Muruna’s performance is not just restricted to the cyberspace. SONA vocational center is a platform with women in employ, who craft goods for sale. Muruna assisted these women in selling their products to prevent mediator mismanagement, by using their platform to promote their work. In addition to this, they’ve also visited the village Mara Kalan to acquaint local women with menstrual hygiene. Faiqa acknowledged that topics like this are not easy to speak about but assimilating her team with the local women helped her connect to her audience. To her surprise, she was met with a positive response, which encouraged her to pursue this initiative further.

The interview concludes with Faiqa stating her aspirations towards the continuation of her journey of empowering women. She seeks to further dabble in the history of this cause, while simultaneously carrying out collaborations and awareness sessions. We at NCSC are very grateful for their appearance, and excited to learn about their future endeavors!

If you’re interested in watching and learning more, click here to view the full interview!


NCSC's mission is to involve university students activities that prove vital for the betterment of society and change them into responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service.

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