Posted in 2020, Al-Qalam, Awards, NCSC Chronicles, NCSC Projects

Al-Qalam Wins MacJannet Prize!

by Sana Shafiq

“I’m collecting this month’s donations for the Al-Qalam Program now. If anyone wants to donate, please do so.”  This is something you must have frequently heard around in your departments. If not in this form, then in some mildly severer version like: “It’s a whopping 100 man, you surely spend a lot more pretty much daily!” Well, these were the class executives for Al-Qalam Program: the hard-working individuals who collected donations from all over the student body. You might be wondering, what is Al-Qalam Program?


It is a project launched by 2 passionate individuals from NUST Community Services Club in 2015. The driving force behind it was the stark number of out-of-school and dropout children in Pakistan in the year 2015-2016, as provided by the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS). By analysis of these statistics, it was noted that the major cause of this was the financial crises subjected to these children’s families. Being students of a prestigious institute, they could evidently realize the necessity of education. Indeed, quality education is the right of every individual. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Al-Qalam program was launched. Al-Qalam literally means ‘The Pen’ in Arabic: undoubtedly a powerful symbol of education. Under the program, monthly donation drives are conducted throughout the campus.

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At the ground level, donations (i.e. Rs.100 per student) are collected from the student body by the class executives, which then work their way up to the school ambassadors and the board of directors. After hassle-free bottom-up collection and processing, donations are disbursed among the registered children. Directorate of Student Affairs aids the entire process. The transportation, security, expenses, supplies, halls, classrooms or any other administrative requirements are coordinated by a faculty advisor and two support administration officers. Currently, we have over 100 students enrolled in the program.


Recently, Al-Qalam Program won the third place for the 2020 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship, deeming it one of the best student-run community services projects in the world! For this, they will receive $2,500 (Rs.400,000) to support their cause. This served as a catalyst for the involved student’s efforts and motivation, whether they were the ones working for it, or the ones benefited by it.


Al-Qalam has been living up to its legacy, succeeding on every step. Yet, it has many steps to ascend, for a good deed must continue, constantly benefiting the society it exists in. For that, we all must join hands and carry on helping in eradicating the gloom in the world by spreading the light of education.


NCSC's mission is to involve university students activities that prove vital for the betterment of society and change them into responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service.

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